Thursday, January 29, 2015


Last Sunday Morning, the sun was shining along with a small breeze. Looking out my window taking in the beautiful scenery as I kept thinking about is what it is to be a Mother.

A Mother defined by Yahoo dictionary:

n. noun
1.      A woman who gives birth to a child.
2.      A woman whose egg unites with a sperm, producing an embryo.
3.      A woman who adopts a child.
adj. adjective
1.      Relating to or being a mother.
2.      Characteristic of a mother.
mother love.
3.      Being the source or origin.
the mother church.
v. verb
1.      To give birth to.
mothered three children.
2.      To be the source of; create or produce.
3.      To act as mother to, as in nourishing and protecting.

What is not defined the many aspects of mothering. Times you are the CFO, The Protector, The Taxi or Shuttle Driver, The Peacemaker, The Beauty/Fashion Consultant, The Cook, The Doctor, The Listener, Etc, Etc. How do we do it all, I believe you either have it or you do not; that instinct deep in your stomach when something is not right or that needy feeling? Instincts that never go away. The sure will to do whatever it takes to make sure ALL your children and your household is always moving forward and SAFE!

I know there are times that the decision I have made is not right, YES we ALL make mistakes but learning from then is how we keep going. My heart is heavy as I have been questioning my ability to Mother! Having 7 children, a husband and many many appointments and activities, I hear all the time, HOW DO YOU DO IT? There are days that I look back and say, how I was able to get through all of it, then there are days that I feel are a breeze. Mothering a gift and blessing, whether your children are biological, fostered or adopted, the feeling to care for another and to have the instinct to protect is a feeling beyond belief. To EVERY Mother, GOD BLESS you and all that you do. 2 Kings 4:30 But the child's mother said, "As surely as the LORD lives and as you live, I will not leave you." So he got up and followed her. 

As there is no parent handbook and mistakes are bound to happen, life can be a roller coaster but BELIEVE that everything you do is a blessing and a gift in one form or another. Though at times we may not understand the actions of our teenagers, our child/toddler or why the baby is crying, somehow the answer always comes. Sometimes later than sooner, but it always comes. Pats on the back, a thank you or the brownie button are not always in the cards but knowing that you are doing everything in your power that makes it worth everything. I know as a Mother, I still learn every day and when I stop learning is the day I am not breathing in this world.

Remember to take minute by minute or day to day, breathe, have a date night or girl’s night out, take a bubble bath or just a minute for yourselves...GOD knows we all deserve it. GOD BLESS

Until next time...Make it a Great Day!

Monday, January 12, 2015

Moving Forward - Original Post on November 19, 2014

Rewind, ten years ago, November 19, 2004, at 2:32pm, my journey began. At first I was so angry and said why me? Plus not wanting to deal with the aftermath that my family living was in. Now I looked back and realize that it is process and today I would not have it any other way. Yes, ten seconds can change your life drastically but it is how you conquer what has been given to you is what makes you stronger. After all the times I have said it, relived it with surgeries upon surgeries or just the daily basis of CRPS/RSD; I know this was my corn field to maze through and get out to live, be happy and continue moving forward. Believing GODS plan put me and my family on a path that ten years ago I would have never thought about. His path has humbled me in many ways. Learning each day as a wife, mother, friend and foster parent; I know that GODS plan for myself and my family is more than I could ever have imaged.

Our life experiences somewhat define us, learning that patience is not always easy but can be very rewarding, to really listen is much harder than stated. A home is not the four walls that you live within and there are some battles that are just not worth the effort. Most importantly that my family is BLESSED. I say this with caution as blessings come in many ways. Our adversities we experienced, we made it through together as family; our accomplishments, we celebrated together as a family. A FAMILY!

As you are born into the world, you are born into a family but know that your family may change like a season. Family as defined is a group consisting of parents and children living together in a household. What is family when the children leave the nest and spread their wings? Or family gatherings, holiday or birthdays, what really is a family bond? "You do not choose your family. They are GOD'S gift to you , as you are to them". Desmond Tutu. Interesting enough, both my husband and I come from large families. My husband the eldest having four younger brothers and one sister. Myself, I am the opposite, I am the baby having four older brothers and three older sisters. But where we are today, is an array of family chaos. Remembering odd numbers are not always the best as someone is always left out and then being the baby, the never ending stories of how much the baby did not have to do. With that said, my family is truly my husband, my children and my parents. Interesting enough I do not see my brothers and sisters as we should, a holiday there, a birthday celebration here but really our contact is minimal. Even more so for my husband. Funny even with technology in today's world you would think there would be more contact, social media, texting or email but really not so much.

Cherish who you have in your life, your family and friends. GOD has placed them there for reasons and removed others for different reasons. We are unable to turn back the clock so any decision made will be with you always. You never know what is going to happen tomorrow or for that matter the next minute. Live each day like tomorrow may not come, remember the "I love you's", be positive, keep your faith close, laugh, sing a little, be goofy and always smile. Smiles are contagious, just one smile may turn a bad day into a good day for someone. Life is a gift and time is precious, never take either one for granted. GOD BLESS!

 Until next time......Make it a Great Day!

New Year

Happy New Year and Welcome to 2015!

As I have said over and over time flies very quickly and just when I think things may settle down, the family is riding the spiral roller coaster of life. Myself as a mother is quite interesting with 7 children (young adults, teenagers, big kids and babies) and my wonderful husband who at times I think is our 8th child, I am not sure how I made it through the day let alone the last five minutes. Somehow the day ends with hugs, kisses and I love you's making the day worth everything; Good or Bad!

A friend recently asked how do you do what you do or with that matter with all the kids. First I have to have Faith that there is a reason for everything. I do know that GOD put David and I on this path of loving, gifting, protecting and helping little's who do not always have the best situation. Whether the little's are here for a couple hours, sometimes months or for some forever, knowing that period of time, there is peace and graciousness. I also know that GOD put us on this path to learn more about our own biological children which prior to fostering/adopting our lives were busy but a different kind of busy. Seeing changes and interaction through them all that it does not matter if they came from David and I or by way of Social Services, I cherish that and can only give Thanks that no matter what trials and tribulations started over 10 years ago, that day was the beginning of a new chapter and one chapter that is worth more than anything our family had prior. 

With that said, yes there are days that I pray for strength and guidance more than another day, to get me through all the doctors, therapists, specialists, meals, school, meltdowns, phone calls, reports and the constant driving to this or that. In the thick of it, I am never let down, I can hear My Mother keep saying lift it up to him and he will guide you...GOD! They that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. Luke 10:27 My Father and Mother are my rock, venting board and saving grace. I pray that someday I will be an amazing Mother like her but until that day, I know I am doing my Best for everyone. I know this when a little laughs, smiles or hugs me so tight or my older ones say I love you Mommy out of the blue or my husband squeezes my hand to say Thank You! 

Time is precious, constantly moving forward. So remember the little things matter as without them the big things do not exist. When the craziness is there remember to smile and laugh as there is always the next five minutes to get through! God Bless.

Until next time....Make it a Great Day!